Sunday, April 21, 2013

Comes: Adding to the Collection

     Well, this post has come very late, but better to finish it late than not at all, yeah? Anyways this is the journal entry for way back on March 6th. On that day I received in the mail copies of Wreck it Ralph, Cars, and Frankenweenie. It seemed fitting to me to draw a picture of welcoming these characters into my Disney Collection. The other characters on the right are by no means all the other Disney movies I own, I just felt they represented the large library of characters, and they're some of my favorites too.
     A part of the reason I took so long to finish this piece was that I was intimidated to color in the characters properly, then I fell off my bike and scabbed up my hands, and then ended up in the Hospital for a possible heart attack. Now all that is behind me, and I finally finished this picture more than a month later. Thanks for checking in, Sorry it took so long for this new post.