My brother Loren writes and performs music at local locals; one of which was the Songwriter's Showcase here in Arroyo Grande. He asked me to film his songs as he was performing some new ones. You can check out his music here, , and even buy some if you feel so inclined! Thanks for checking in!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Comes: Counting Junk
At work we hold on to a lot of bad parts in case we can find a good use for them, but every not so often we get a big roll away dumpster and throw some of the oldest, or worst away. I was in charge of counting the parts thrown away from the department I work in. It was actually a great day for me because it was active work that made time seem to go by faster, and I love cleaning and organizing which I got to do also. Thanks for checking in!
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Comes: Post it Ralph
I finally got around to putting up the Wreck it Ralph poster My sister had gotten for me from the theater she works at. So far she has gotten me the Tron Legacy poster and Captain America the First Avenger posters too. Just one of the perks to having a relative working in a theater! Oh, and just FYI I free handed this entire picture, even my name in Disney text. I am pretty stoked with how it turned out. Thanks for checking in!
Comes: Keep it Alive
Everyday at lunchtime and at Three O'clock break a group of us from work hacky sack to pass the time, and get the blood flowing. Generally we have a group of about 15 people or so, but this particular Monday a lot of those who join us were off preparing for the NAMM show were not present giving us a much smaller group of about 6. It made for a faster paced game and it was a lot of fun.
By the way, I got stuck on trying to layout this picture which is why I got so behind again. I am planning on making multiple posts the next few days to catch up. So check back often. Thanks for checking in!
By the way, I got stuck on trying to layout this picture which is why I got so behind again. I am planning on making multiple posts the next few days to catch up. So check back often. Thanks for checking in!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Comes: Marveling
I've been watching an Avengers cartoon called, The Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and I just finished it this Sunday. It's a cartoon about the Avengers and I have been enthralled by it for a little while. It explained a lot about characters I knew, but never knew their back stories. It only ran for two seasons because Marvel Decided to start over with a new show. I hope it will be as fun as this one was. Thanks for checking in!
Oh, by the way, I drew this in Photoshop and tried to make it look water colored. Let me know how you think I did. Thanks!
Oh, by the way, I drew this in Photoshop and tried to make it look water colored. Let me know how you think I did. Thanks!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Comes: Strong Repairs
A friend from work asked me to repair his backpack; which he uses to carry weights to and from the gym. I took one look at it and new, I could repair it, I could make it stronger. I took the backpack home, and set about my task.
I reviewed the damage, tears at the shoulder straps. The stitching had given way though luckily the fabric itself was not damaged. Quickly, I retrieved my needle and thread. I made sure to double over the thread for added strength, then I began. I sewed with all the energy and focus I had in me. Being sure to make the thread taught with every new stitch. Then, just as fast as it had begun, it was finished.
Thanks for checking in!
I reviewed the damage, tears at the shoulder straps. The stitching had given way though luckily the fabric itself was not damaged. Quickly, I retrieved my needle and thread. I made sure to double over the thread for added strength, then I began. I sewed with all the energy and focus I had in me. Being sure to make the thread taught with every new stitch. Then, just as fast as it had begun, it was finished.
Thanks for checking in!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Comes: Music in 3D!
I heard music in 3D today! The story goes, I forgot to bring my i pod to work today, but luckily I have been bringing my 3DS-XL to work with me to street pass with my sister. And while she wasn't in today, due to her schedule changing for school purposes, I had still brought it out of habit. I also had just so happened to put music on to the memory card in my 3DS so I had music to listen to! Thanks Nintendo for making such an awesome console! And thank you for checking in!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Comes: Spit Up
My brother played at the local Farmer's Market tonight. It was his first time since he and his wife had their first child whom this picture is about. My sister in law handed my niece to me, and right as she was handed over she spit up on me! It was actually rather funny. I cleaned us both up, and got to hold my niece for a good amount of time anyway. My brother played very well. Thanks for checking in!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Comes: All Sketched Out
As you may have noticed, if you frequent this blog, I got behind on my journal entries back about a week ago. Well the last few nights I have been posting multiple pictures to catch up. Last night I got all caught up but did not have the energy, or time to draw a picture for last night. This picture depicts me at the end of my sprint to catch up in my journal entries. Thanks for being patient with me as I caught up, and as always, Thanks for checking in!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Comes: Cleaning Dishes
I created a lot of dishes yesterday by cooking breakfast, and dinner for myself and waiting till that night to wash it all. And most of my pans had been used in that one day so I needed to clean them for breakfast the next day. After cleaning everything I felt good, I felt accomplished. Thanks for checking in!
Comes: Alonsy!
I am a Doctor Who fan, having been pulled in by season 5 with Matt Smith, then going back to watch Christopher Ecclston and David Tenant. My sister is now making this same journey, so she came over to watch a couple episodes of older Doctor Who with my roommate Micah and I. She is almost to "Blink" The first episode with The Weeping Angels. Thanks for checking in!
Comes: Dinner Buddies
Sunday night my friend Blake jogged over to my house then we went to Toño's, a local Mexican restaurant, with Micah for dinner. Thanks for checking in!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Comes: Roller Coaster Ride
This last weekend I went to Six Flags with a group of friends. It had been about six or seven years since I had been there. Goliath was possibly y favorite ride of the day. It's a solid ride, and it was the first one we rode that day. I ended up riding it 3 times total. It was a fun day! Thanks for checking in!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Comes: New Jacket
I went out looking for jacket, because I wanted something other than sweaters to wear, and that was all I owned. The first one I tried on made me look like a transvestite business man, the next was just not quite right, and the third was great. I also got it for $9 instead of the $35 it was supposed to be. Thanks for checking in!
Comes: Tasty Breakfast
A breakfast truck, similar to a taco wagon, has started coming around work and I decided to try their egg and bacon burrito. It was really good and cheap. If you see the Salt and Pepper's Truck around be sure to check out what they've got. It's good. Thanks for checking in!
Comes: Hair Cutter
I chose a style reminiscent of a child's drawing for this one, because it was simple, and fun. My sister cut my and a friend's hair. And then we hung out and watched Mystery Men. It was a fun night. I am working on catching up with post's. I should be caught up by tomorrow. Thanks for checking in!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Comes: Vintage Gaming
My roommate Aaron wanted to buy some Regular Nintendo games since the time my friend Justin had come over to play Punch Out the other night. So we all made a trip up to SLO to buy some games. He got a Surfing/Skating game I can't remember the name of, and a basketball game called Jackson vs. Bird, or something like that. I had never played either, but I remedied that tonight, and they were both fun. That Basketball game was the first sports game I was able to grasp easily, and I actually enjoyed it. Thanks for checking in!
Comes: Early Night
Last night I tired out rather early. I'm not sure why, but I turned in around 8:00 or so, and as this artist is normally a night owl, up till 12:00 or 1:00, I just couldn't stay up. That's why you get this picture tonight. Thanks for checking in! Another picture to follow shortly.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Comes: Breakfast Sketching
I stayed over at my friend James' house after my Disneyland trip, so we
went out to a little diner for breakfast the next morning and got a
little sketching in too.
Thanks for checking in!
Thanks for checking in!
Comes: Water Colorless Castle
I went to Disneyland this weekend to see the Christmas decorations finally. I had planned to do some water color sketches of the decorations, but when I was getting ready to draw the castle I made the horrific realization that I forgot my Watercolor brush at home. So I just drew these sketches, mostly of Disneyland performing groups. I had a great time there, the Christmas decorations were beautiful, and I spent the entire day at the park never going on a single ride. Thanks for checking in. Here are my sketches from the day. Enjoy!

Friday, January 4, 2013
Comes, Punch Out!
My friend Justin received, "Mike Tyson's Punch Out", for the original Nintendo, for Christmas and he kept raving about how it's one of his favorite games. So, we had a game night where we played the newest Punch Out game for the Wii. My roommate Aaron, Justin and I took turns Fighting our way to the top. It was a fun night!
Comes: Sketch Buddies
My friend Cory, who I met a couple years ago in a life drawing class, came over to hang out tonight. He showed me what he has been working on, and it was, as usual, amazing. I drew this picture a little different tonight because I was inspired by Cory's use of light and shadows in his work, which I hardly ever do. Thanks for checking in!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Comes: Problem Solvers
Welcome back!
This evening I took a trip over to my Brother's house to work on getting my Web comic up and running; something I had planned to have up on January 1st. We also worked on the navigation buttons for my site. I caused a lot of hard work for my brother, but he has done amazing things.
Thanks for checking in. See you tomorrow!
This evening I took a trip over to my Brother's house to work on getting my Web comic up and running; something I had planned to have up on January 1st. We also worked on the navigation buttons for my site. I caused a lot of hard work for my brother, but he has done amazing things.
Thanks for checking in. See you tomorrow!
Comes: Fresh Start
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